Archives for June 2018

Why We Believe in Creation – Part 2



There was once a tiger who woke up early one morning, and just felt great (just like Tony the Tiger: GREAAAAAAT).

Anyway, he felt so good, he went out and cornered a small monkey and roared at him: “WHO IS THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL THE JUNGLE ANIMALS?” And this poor quaking little monkey replied: “You are of course, no one is mightier than you.”

A little while later the tiger confronted a deer, and bellowed out: “WHO IS THE GREATEST AND STRONGEST OF ALL THE JUNGLE ANIMALS?” The deer was shaking so hard it could barely speak, but managed to stammer: “Oh great tiger, you are by far the mightiest animal in the jungle.”

The tiger, being on a roll, swaggered up to an elephant that was quietly munching on some weeds, and roared at the top of his voice: “WHO IS THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE JUNGLE?”

Well, the elephant grabbed the tiger with his trunk, picked him up, slammed him down; again, and again until the tiger was just a blur of orange and black; and finally threw him violently into a nearby tree.

The tiger staggered to his feet, and as he scampered away, he mumbled over his shoulder to the elephant: “Man, just because you don’t know the answer to a simple question doesn’t mean you have to get so uptight about it!”

It’s easy for an elephant to throw a tiger.  But it is much more difficult for a man to throw an elephant.  The Elephant weighs a great deal.  Many ordinary people weigh a lot, hut none weighs as much as an elephant. Even when elephants are small. they are very, very heavy. Elephants are also tall, even when they are short. Even a short elephant is taller than a tall man.  Beware of elephant hurlers!

Ever heard of  Elephant hurling?  Elephant hurling is a tactic in which a debater will dump elephant loads of irrelevant evidence on you in order to win an argument, while hoping you won’t notice how faulty the information is.  Beware of incoming elephants.

We met one of those elephants last week.  It was the claim that the Darwinist has elephant loads of evidence to back up his theories.  On his side are 150 years of scientific research, while the creationist only has a mouse sized antiquated Bible to back up his claims.  That’s elephant hurling.

But last week we looked at two mighty arguments in favor of Creation.  1.  Design Points to a Designer.  This is one of the main points in favor of creation.  The complex world  could not have come into existence without a designer.  2.  Fine Tuning requires a Find Tuner.  What we discovered was this: There are hundreds of unbelievably precise numbers that all add up to life on planet earth.  If just one of them was slightly out of tune, there would be no life at all!  The universe was engineered by an amazing creator.

Today we are going to get the elephant off our back.  We are going to look at one more powerful evidence for creation.


  1. Procreation requires a Pro Creator! 24-25

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

10 times in Genesis 1, the bible says that plants and animals were created to reproduce after their own kind.  What does that mean.  Two things:

#1 we were engineered by a creator to reproduce ONLY after our kind. 

In the 1700s A scientist named Lazarro Spallanzani figured this out by sewing tiny silk pants for frogs.  I kid you not.  Spallanzani’s tiny frog pants allowed the animals to assume mating behaviors but blocked the exchange of fluids. And what happened of course was that no frog babies were made.[i]  But once the frogs removed the pants, those frogs had frog babies – every time.

The creation model says that one animal kind cannot turn into a different animal kind.  Protozoan will never evolve into algae, cats will not become dogs, nor will apes ever evolve into humans.

In fact, every living species has its own unique, matching number of chromosomes.  A toad has 11 pairs of chromosomes, an alligator 16, a cat 19, a rhesus monkey 21, a human 23, a potato 24, and a chicken 39.  Mashed potatoes and fried chicken have more chromosomes than we do!  That should tell you something!

An animal with 13 chromosomes cannot mate with a species with 12 or 14.  Whenever that rare mismatch does happen, such as a horse mating with a donkey to produce a mule, the offspring is sterile.  Cats cannot mate with dogs, mosquitoes with flies, lizards with amphibians or humans with monkeys.[ii]  Nor do they want to.

That isn’t to say that change doesn’t happen to animals.  Scientists have determined that many animals have diversified so that today they are typically represented by a whole family. For example, the family Canidae is believed to be made up of animals from a single created kind. This family includes dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, and jackals. It consists of 34 species.   But they are all the dog kind.[iii]  And they will always be Canidae, and will never turn into horses or antelope.

Consider that there are over 7.5 billion human beings on the planet and they are all fundamentally exactly the same with only minor differences of color, size or style – surely if we were the result of spontaneous evolution there would be myriad different human derivatives on the planet – such as star trek suggests.  Throughout history there have been an estimated 100 billion human beings born on this planet. There is no evidence that humans ever been anything other than human.[iv]  They have been taller, shorter, whiter, blacker, smarter, and dumber, but they have always been human.

The Ship of evidence that carries Darwin’s theories is full of gaping holes, and yet a huge following will not allow it to sink!  No one has ever shown that one species can change into another.  In all of recorded & archeological history there is not one animal that has ever been noted to change into another.  Yesterday’s fossils may be smaller or bigger, or slightly proportioned differently, but dogs are still dogs, and people have always been people.  The fossil record is now so complete that the lack of transitional creatures must be explained by the fact that they never were!

#2 if we were created by a master engineer, all of our life processes had to be created fully formed at the same time.  In fact we suggest that there is no possible way for them to gradually develop.

Let me ask you this age old question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”  If the egg came first, how did it get there (a chicken laid it)… OK, so the chicken came first.  How did the chicken get there?  From an egg?  Where did the egg come from?  From a chicken.  So when you talk about the chicken, was first chicken a hen or a rooster?  Can you have a fertilized egg without both?  So to have a fertilized egg, you need both a male and a female.  If it was both, what are the chances of both the hen and the rooster luckily evolving at the exact right time, with the exact right plumbing needed to lay eggs?

Evolution doesn’t just have one problem: the evolution of the chicken, they have two:  the evolution of the male and the female of every species at exactly the same time.  That doubles the trouble!  That means they must roll double sixes every time!

Those who say there is no Creator need to explain how male and female in every species that operate so perfectly together and so intimately came into existence spontaneously with no Engineered design to make sure that the two halves could work together first time – they could not have “evolved” in a random spontaneous way because they only work when they are complete in every way.

The female has the capacity to produce both male and female children.  The male has NO capability to produce offspring.  So how did these two life forms spontaneously evolve and then suddenly reach a point where the male ceased to spontaneously evolve and the female suddenly developed the capability to produce offspring of both genders?  Note that the male needs to know the female exists and vice-versa for procreation to occur.

How about insects?  Some insects have such a short life span which may be measured in days or hours.  At some point sexual reproduction must take place in order for the organism to continue to exist.  So the organism cannot spontaneously evolved over millions of years.  It had to be there complete and functional and able to breed in hours or minutes, or no flies!  Shucks!

This is what we call the law of biogenesis.   The man who discovered this was Louis Pasteur, an outstanding scientist and an opponent of evolution.[v]  The Law of biogenesis says that living things come only from other living things, by means of reproduction.

Let’s talk about what it takes to engineer reproduction and birth.  It is highly complex.  We’ll start with simple.  First a Male and female are required.  The first male and first  female had to be fully formed in order for reproduction to take place.  Unless all of the parts are there and functioning together, you cannot have reproduction.  As we shall see, only a master engineer could do that.

A new life is started the moment a human sperm cell unites with a human egg. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?  It is not.

In order to reproduce, a human male must be attracted to a human female and intimacy must occur.  The male plumbing needs to perfectly fit the female in a way that is pleasurable so that the man and woman will desire to reproduce.  [vi]

Once Sperm is placed inside a woman it finds itself in a very hostile ACIDIC environment.  A woman’s body is created with defenses that destroy microscopic intruders. But it just so happens that the fluids produced by the male seminal vesicles surprisingly have the right components to temporarily neutralize the acid. Once the acid is neutralized, wallah, another incredible thing happens!  The sperm now become activated.  But then they meet a roadblock.  A thick sticky mucus plug blocks their way. However, another male product I can’t pronounce (called prostaglandins) amazingly causes this mucus to become more liquid-like. Now sperm are able to swim into the uterus to fertilize the egg. [vii]

A woman can produce half a million eggs.  But she only releases one at a time.  Once the Egg is released it begins a 14 day treacherous journey, coincidentally moved along by tiny fingerlike structures.  Imagine the Egg popping out of a huge skyscraper with 250,000 windows and then rolling down 30 miles of highway to the other side of town to cross the eighteenth fairway of a golf course it has never seen and then to make a hole in one!   All without a hitch.

Meanwhile, the trek which the sperm takes is equivalent to a 150 mile long journey.  When the journey begins, between 200 to 500 million sperm set out for the eighteenth fairway, but only about 200 total make it to their destination Because some amazing coincidences happen along the way.  The sperm divide up into three teams.  The first team is known as Fertilizers or egg getters.  They head straight for the fairway.  The second team is called blockers.  They follow the egg getters through the cervix and plug up the way behind them to make sure that no other sperm can follow. The third team are called killers.  They are like the secondary.  They linger between the blockers and the egg getters and attack any slow swimming, stray sperm that may have made it past the blockers.

Eventually there will be just one sperm that will be allowed to enter the egg, and it may not be the first to arrive.  [viii]

These are just a few of the amazing engineering feats that must take place in order for reproduction to occur.  It is incredibly complex, perfectly timed, and amazingly designed.

Billions of interactions are needed to make the entire fertilization a success.  If conception does not occur, millions of additional interactions are needed to undo the monthly effort.  The body is designed to keep trying until we are too old.  None of this can happen randomly it has to be the consequence of a master engineer who designed and built the two halves of the whole so that they perfectly fit together.

I’m sorry, but we are out of time.  But let me end with this:

Despite repeated attempts under every reproducible circumstance, scientists have been unable to come up with a reasonable explanation for the origin of life without a creator.  The more that we have an understanding of the chemistry involved, the more we realize we need a designer.  Because of the impossibility of random chance creating life, Many evolutionists have now chosen to dodge the issue by claiming that the origin of life is not part of the theory of evolution.

The optimism of early Darwinism is gone. The mood of evolutionary scientists on Origin of Life is grim-full of frustration, pessimism and desperation.  Sexual Reproduction is a Continuing Mystery to Evolutionists

And one other thing.  So far we have been unable to reproduce life in the laboratory.  All the amazing breakthroughs of outstanding scientists in their quest to create life in the laboratory have one thing in common: If they ever succeed they are only possible under the strictest and most rigorous of laboratory procedures, processes, and protocols, and only under the guidance and direction of the most brilliant scientific minds working with the most advanced equipment available. These procedures and processes will not pop out of thin air; they are themselves built on the collective acquired knowledge and experience of thousands of different researchers and represent, literally, millions of man-hours of intensive labor, contemplation, and analysis. None of them could have conceivably taken place in a prebiotic swamp through undirected processes.[ix]

The bottom line?  Life requires a brilliant creator!


[ii] What Darwin Didn’t Know, By Geoffrey Simmons, M.D. Harvest House Publishers, P 58


[iv] What Darwin Didn’t Know, By Geoffrey Simmons, M.D. Harvest House Publishers




[viii] What Darwin Didn’t Know, By Geoffrey Simmons, M.D. Harvest House Publishers, chapter 3
