
Liston on AM 700 Winston Oregon KVIP

Jesus Cleanses the Temple ()

Dennis Kreiss, June 16, 2018
Part of the Jesus - the Incomparable Christ series, preached for Growing Together Radio

John 2:12-25
It is somewhat surprising that the temple courts had deteriorated into a cattle market. For thousands of years, the Temple has been the most sacred of holy places to the Jew. For centuries the Jews have prayed with their faces turned toward the site of the temple in Jerusalem. The Jews were very zealous over their temple. Jesus was even more so consumed with love for His Father’s House.

What can we learn from this encounter? The Zeal for God’s house has consumed me. Has it consumed you? When you come to church, is it to worship? Or are there other trivial pursuits that you follow, such as doing business with clients or telling jokes or talking about sports or recreation. This place is to be a house of prayer, a place of encouragement, a center for fellowship around God’s Word,

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