
Liston on AM 700 Winston Oregon KVIP

The Last Days of the Last Good King of Judah ()

Dennis Kreiss, March 21, 2020
Part of the No Game of Thrones series, preached for Growing Together Radio

Today we are going to look at the last days of the last good king of Judah! He chose to do right at a young age and never looked back because he challenged himself at every stage of his life to go deeper. He was never satisfied with what he had become. It was his every day tenacity that resulted in a powerful revival in the nation. Josiah was an amazing King. And what we learn from him is that we should worship well, live bravely and die like a believer.
Amazing Passover 1-19
What if this was the last time you were going to ______________ here?
What kind of a celebration should we throw?
No one knows when their time will be up.
Josiah held the greatest Passover ever!
They killed 37,600 lambs at this celebration! 10-15
The Priests sprinkled the blood, working till late into the night
The Levites skinned the animals!
The singers never stopped singing.
It was an amazing time of feasting!
The Ark was laid to rest permanently: 3
The Levites used to take the Ark out!
They were teaching Levites, using this as a teaching tool.
Josiah put a stop to this practice.
There was no other _______________ in Israel like this one! 18:
Tragic Battle 20-22
In 609 BC the Egyptians marched to do battle with Nebuchadnezzar.
Pharaoh took a short cut through the Promised Land.
He was delayed at Megiddo by the forces of Josiah of Judah.
The delay was costly. The Babylonians annihilated the Egyptians.
They did not stand because the Lord drove them away. Jeremiah 46
In order to avoid a battle with Judah, Pharaoh sent messengers to Josiah.
______ commands me to make haste. Refrain from meddling with God.
Was this a message from God? Can God speak through a _________?
Necho’s message does seem a bit self serving.
Josiah did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of God! 22
I would bet that the prophet Jeremiah confirmed this to Josiah.
Sometimes even the most spiritual among us won’t listen.
Mournful Death 23-25
Jeremiah _______________ for Josiah.
It became a tradition to speak of Josiah in their lamentations.
The _______ of our heart has ceased. Lamentations 6:15-17
And so we say farewell to the last good king of Judah. He worshiped well, and he fought bravely, he died humbly. That should be our lesson today. Worship well, fight on through the trials of this life bravely; and when it comes your time; die nobly like a Christian – with the hope of eternal life on your lips!

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