
Liston on AM 700 Winston Oregon KVIP

The Last Kings of Judah ()

Dennis Kreiss, March 28, 2020
Part of the No Game of Thrones series, preached for Growing Together Radio

In our passage today, the last five kings of Judah did not have good ethics! They were not into humble service, they were self serving! They were so abusive of their power that they just had to go! Their ethics were so detestable that God cast them out of his sight. Some were cowardly when they faced the enemy and simply caved. Others were so stiff necked that they resisted God to the very end, when finally the entire nation was conquered and carried away.
Christianity Has Been Handling Epidemics for 2000 Years.
“Greater love has no man than this _____________________________”
The terrible Antonine Plague
It killed off a quarter of the Roman Empire
Christians cared for the sick and offered hope in sorrow.
The Plague of Cyprian.
It triggered the explosive growth of Christianity.
Heedless of danger they took charge of the sick.
The Bubonic plague
We die at our posts.
The plague does not dissolve our duties: It turns them to crosses.
The Christian motive for hygiene does not arise from self-preservation.
Humble service for others is a powerful force.
Be eager to sacrifice for others, even at the cost of your own life.
Amon – He wasn’t Humble 33:21-24
His reign was short and sad.
He saw the example of his father’s repentance and restoration.
Despite that example, he refused to humble himself before the Lord!
One of the key ingredients to leadership is humility.
His arrogance was his downfall. He was killed by his own servants.
Jehoahaz – He was so bad he had to Go 36:1-4
Jehoahaz became the vassal of the Pharaoh.
Pharaoh imposed a tax to help supply his army.
Jehoahaz (Shallum), was not the first born! He was son number 4!
During the battle of Carchemish Necho deposed Jehoahaz.
Instead of collecting taxes He was fleecing the people.
Woe to him who builds his house with unrighteousness. Jer 22: 11
His father did right... Is not this what it means to know Me?
Shallum failed to learn the lessons of his father just as Amon failed to learn the lessons of his father. Both had good examples that they completely ignored and came to a tragic end. Shallum was thrown in chains, and sent to Egypt rot in prison, and there he died. We live in perilous times. What can we do? We can humble ourselves and pray, and seek God’s face, and he will heal our land.

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