
Liston on AM 700 Winston Oregon KVIP

Addressing Racism ()

Dennis Kreiss, June 20, 2020
Part of the Faith VS Fear series, preached for Growing Together Radio

I’d like to have a conversation about racism with you. Our country is in turmoil. I am heartbroken over the mistreatment of George Floyd. Protests, vigils, riots and looting have spread around the world against racial injustice and police brutality. Rioters are tragically destroying and looting our cities. Our way of life is under siege. What is happening around the country is inexcusable and criminal. We have lost all sense of sanity and civility, and we are not listening to one another. We are hopelessly divided by philosophy, theology, and opinion.
Long ago, God created the ________________ to this divisive issue.
God’s heart is broken over this issue. He understands our pain.
There are no _____________ class citizens in the Kingdom of God.
We are Blood Brothers – Acts 17:24-27
The Evolutionary ideas of origins:
Charles Darwin popularized the idea of different races of people.
It was once taught that Caucasians were the highest race.
Ideas have consequences.
The Creation model of origins:
God created all humans from a single man and women.
We are all descendents of one couple.
Mistreatment of a fellow human being is mistreatment of God himself.
There is only _________ race, and it is the human race.
All of us are equally created in the __________ of God.
Shades of skin are simply a variation of melanin genes.
Differences are meant to be a beautiful thing that draws us to God.
God placed you at this time and place for such a time as this.
Jesus Reconciles us By His Blood - Ephesians 2:12-15
Jesus died for every person, no matter their ethnicity.
This is the basis for true unity and peace among us.
Red and yellow, black and white, we are all ____________ in His site.
When I become His child, I become a child of the king!
We have human blood coursing through our veins
We also have royal blood, shed for us.
Our identity is in Christ and not in our race!
God abhors racism, and so do we. There are two powerful theological truths that pave the way for true peace between ethnic groups. The first amazing truth is found in creation. We are all blood brothers, created in the image of God. The second transforming truth is found in Christ. Jesus died for every person, every ethnic group and every color and creed. When I become His child, I become a child of the king! There are no second class citizens in the Kingdom of God. This is the basis for true unity and peace among us.

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