
Liston on AM 700 Winston Oregon KVIP

Overcoming the Fear of Isolation ()

Dennis Kreiss, May 16, 2020
Part of the Faith VS Fear series, preached for Growing Together Radio

Loneliness levels have reached an all-time high as Americans have been isolating at home! Isolation has a profound effect on the human body and brain! When people are cut off for long periods of time they can suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, memory issues, concentration issues, paranoia and fear. That is why the church is so essential! Having a church family is essential for your mental and spiritual health! Today we are going to learn four skills that will help you to overcome the phobias of isolation and discover how to live by faith!
Seek God 1-3
The number one way to overcome loneliness is to passionately seek the Lord.
Isolation is meant to drive us to seek God.
Thirst for God as you would for water.
Desire His companionship.
Hunger for God as you would for food.
Remember the Good Times 4-5
Memories can be a blessing or a curse!
Wonderful memories can bring joy and hope.
Remember when you loved to go to the house of God.
Living in the community of the church is essential!
Remember God’s Loving Kindness 6-8
The writer is taking a hike through the holy land!
Walking through nature can help overcome your struggles with isolation.
The beauty of nature is meant to remind you of God’s loving kindness.
God’s creation should lead us to a prayer of thanksgiving!
Be Honest with God 9-10
Honest questions:
Why have you forgotten me?
Why do things hurt so much?
Why are people attacking me?
Should you be honest with God about how you feel? Do you think God already knows how you feel? Then there is no reason to hide it from him. In fact, God is the one person you can be completely honest with. You can tell him your hurts. You can pour out your heart. You can trust that your feelings will be safe in His loving hands!

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Tags: faith fear, isolation

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