
Liston on AM 700 Winston Oregon KVIP

Faith That is Unafraid ()

Dennis Kreiss, July 18, 2020
Part of the Faith VS Fear series, preached for Growing Together Radio

The greatest threat to America is not the COVID-19 virus. The most imminent danger we face is the loss of our precious liberty. Jesus said, if they persecuted me, they will persecute you. But, fear not! Because today we are going to arm you with the one thing that you need to live a life, unafraid of the times in which we live: Faith
Faith is for Hard Times - 23
Hard times demand a mighty faith!
Pharaoh demanded the Israelites drown their male infants in the Nile.
When Moses was born, they hid the baby for three months.
Their faith made them unafraid of the king’s edicts.
Faith Requires Strong Resolve – 24-26
Moses refused a life of ease & chose to identify with the people of God.
There may come a day when you will have to choose.
If you stand firm, it may cost you everything.
His faith made him unafraid of affliction.
Faith Radically Changes Us - 27
The first time he attempted to deliver his people with his own hands.
The second time he endured because he depended on the invisible God!
Faith in God radically changed Moses.
The key to endurance is seeing Him who is invisible.
Do you want a faith like Moses? You may have to face hard times with great resolve and struggle with terrible unfair odds, but one day God will step in and resolve all issues. He will Passover and save your children, and drown Pharaoh in the deep Red Sea. But, until that time, build yourself up in your most holy faith.

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